Please watch the below video demonstrating how to extract multi-part .RAR files as well as how to install Bolder Sounds libraries into the FULL RETAIL version of Kontakt.

When I try to extract a multi-part .rar file I always get an error - is my download corrupted?
It is extremely important to ONLY OPEN PART 1 of a multi-part .rar file, all the subsequent parts will self extract automatically. Let's say you have the Bluegrass Banjo Bluegrass_Banjo_Kontakt.part1 and Bluegrass_Banjo_Kontakt.part2 files on you hard drive after downloading them.ONLY double-click (open) Bluegrass_Banjo_Kontakt.part1, part 2 will self extract. If you try to open part 2 you will get an error. Also on the Mac, we recommend you use either RAR EXPANDER - http://rarexpander.sourceforge.net/Downloads.html or UnRarX - http://www.unrarx.com/. We have found Stuffit Expander to be problematic.
It is always possible that a download may become corrupted, we are happy to reset your download if the above solution does not solve the problem.

I am trying to add my Bolder Sounds library to the NI Kontakt Libraries Tab and it says "no library found" or it times-out as in DEMO mode - what do I do?
It is necessary for Bolder Sounds to pay a substantial licensing fee per library to Native Instruments in order to have libraries encoded for use in the LIBRARY section of the Kontakt browser. However - do not fear, you can still load and use any Bolder library into the Kontakt SAMPLER. Be aware - if you are using the FREE Kontakt PLAYER, you will be severely limited in the length of time you may demo the library which will be quite frustrating!

There are 4 methods in which you can load you Bolder library into Kontakt -

**Please be aware - this library is not encrypted for use in the FREE Kontakt PLAYER.  This library is NOT loaded into Kontakt via the "Add Library" function.  See below for the various choices you have for loading this library into Kontakt.

1. Drag any Kontakt instrument or multi (.nki or .nkm) directly onto the Kontakt rack from your desktop or hard drive.

2. Load via the FILES menu (locate the floppy disc icon in the center of the Kontakt toolbar).

3. In the Kontakt toolbar - click the BROWSE icon.  To the left of Kontakt your browser appears.  Click on the the far left tab which says "files".  From here you can navigate anywhere in your computers file system and load program or multi files.

4. Use the QUICK LOAD feature located just to the left of the FILES icon mentioned above. The QUICK LOAD feature works very similar to the Libraries Tab only without the sexy graphics. Once you've clicked on the QUICK LOAD button, at the bottom of the Kontakt rack you will see a browser appear. Simply drag your Bolder library onto this browser. It will be there for future quick loading. For more details and flexibility on the QUICK LOAD feature, please consult your NI Kontakt manual.

This is a source of great frustration both for our customers as well as ourselves. Please be aware that if a Bolder library is mistakenly purchased with the intention of FULL FUNCTIONALITY with the Kontakt PLAYER that we will regretfully NOT be able to give you a refund.

Refunds and Trial Libraries
All sales are non-refundable after the download of any of our libraries.  We DO NOT have trial versions of our sample libraries.

Loading Snapshots into Kontakt

Loading EXS Instruments into SAMPLER in Logic 10.5

How do I download the FREE samples?
In order to download the Bolder FREE Sounds you do need to create an account, you will go through the same steps as you would if you were purchasing a library, except the total will be $0.00. You will also receive a copy of our newsletter which announces new libraries as well as free sounds. If you wish to unsubscribe from the newsletter, no problem! Also, we never share our customers account information with 3rd parties. Please be aware that this website delivers it's libraries via download only.

The library I purchased is a .rar file, how do I open it?
The .RAR file needs to be decompressed, there are many utilities on the internet which will do this on both the Mac and PC platform. Some are freeware and some are not. The one that I use on OS X is called RAR Expander, Stuffit expander will work as well.

The only shipping option I see is downloading my samples, can I have them shipped instead?
99% of Bolder customers prefer to download their purchased libraries. It is an extremely efficient way to deliver your samples quickly and with very little fuss. This way the customer generally receives the purchased product within hours and Bolder Sounds can be much focused on our first priority which is making excellent sample libraries at a reasonable price.

Which credit cards cards can I use to pay fro my purchase?
All orders are processed using Paypal. You DO NOT NEED to have a Paypal account to place a order at the Bolder Sounds Site. You can simply choose to use your major credit card of choice ( Visa, MC, American Express, Discover ). If you do have a Paypal account, of course you can use that as well.

I have a coupon that was sent to me by Bolder Sounds. How do I use it?
Just proceed as you normally would to purchase a product. After the first shopping car screen you will see the library and the non-discounted cost of the library. Click the CONTINUE button and on the next page you will see a place to type or paste in your coupon code number. We suggest you copy and paste it from the email that was sent to you to avoid a typing mistake. Click CONTINUE again and you should see a notice that your discount coupon has been applied to the product.

I'm not really very good at technical matters with my computer like downloading files, is it a complicated process?
No, not at all. Once you finalize your credit card payment at Paypal you will be forwarded back to the Bolder Site and you will see your purchased library and next to that is a button that says "download", that is all there is to it! If you wish to download your samples at a later date you simply log into the Bolder site with the MY ACCOUNT button and you samples will be there ready to download.  If you have some problem downloading the file, contact us and we'll be sure you are taken care of in a expeditious manner.

What am I actually buying when I purchase a Bolder sample Library?
When you buy a sample Library what you are buying is a licence to use the sounds in your musical projects. You don't own the samples and programming, you own a licence to use them. Bolder Sounds owns the actual copyright.You may use the samples in a musical context without further notice or royalty payment. For a commercial release, we would, of course, love that you acknowledge the source of the samples, but we do not require it.

We ask that you do not just give a copy to a friend as a "favor" without it being paid for. We ask that you put yourself in our shoes before making such a decision. Thank you for your consideration!

Will Bolder's xxxxxx Library work with my xxxxxx sampler?
We ALWAYS recommend you buy native format discs when ever possible. We realize this is not always possible though. There are very good conversion programs out like Translator and CDXtract. However you'll never get 100% of the original programming that was implemented. Bolder guarantees that when you purchase disc in a native format, it will load and play correctly. Beyond that we cannot guarantee how a library will import  from one sampler format to another. It is simply a process that is beyond our control.

Below is our standard license agreement:
You have purchased a single-user license use these samples to be used in any type of music production, i.e. making demos, records, remixes, commercials, jingles, post productions, commissioned pieces, sound tracks for film, theater, musicals, live performances, computer games or multimedia. Samples may not be utilized or resold in the form of Sample Library Music or Sample-related endeavors (e.g. “Joe’s Sample Collection” which contains our products). Written permission from Bolder Sounds is required. You CAN NOT trade, re- sell, lend, rent, copy, duplicate, upload or download to any database, BBS, or Server any of our sounds because Bolder Sounds owns the rights to the samples and programs, Bolder is licensing these to a single user for music production. Use of these samples MAY NOT be utilized in separate commercial applications such as the Apple ipad, iphone, or the Android etc.. without written consent from Bolder Sounds.
Installation of this library constitutes full acceptance of these terms.